Let us help you to form your future

We support you to find the ideal German Education Institute and accompany you on your entire journey.

Thoss Education Service
Your reliable education advisor

托斯德國留學服務 為學生提供最新的德國升學資訊, 不論學生尋找初中、高中、大學基礎課程、學士或碩士學位, 托斯德國留學都能為你解答留學問題、提供專業意見以及給予最合適的留學安排及服務。Study in Germany is easy!

托斯德國留學是德國獨立的留學顧問, 並不受制於任何教育機構, 我們的宗旨是為學生尋找最合適的學校或大學,讓學生根據自己的喜好及能力發展。



德國升學制度及教學方針跟香港、台灣、澳門、美國、英國及澳洲有一定的差別, 因此學生及家長需要了解升學選擇才可以配對合適的中學或大學。尤其德國的升學資訊及專門的教育顧問比其他升學熱門國家少, 加上語言上的限制, 學生及家長往往未能得到最新的資訊。Thoss致力協助學生及家長於選擇過程上獲得專業的意見, 我們的熱門服務包括:


深入了解學生的興趣、理想、成绩及經濟能力, 給予詳盡及專業的大學選擇

Powerful school network

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青少年或成人的德語課程安排,課程遵循CEFR水平 A1 – C2


提供合適的高中分析, 包括學校強項、設施、強勢科目、鄰近環境、學校相關預算支出及申請程序




具吸引力的簡歷和動機信有助於對申請心儀的中學及大學有一定的加分作用。 我們協助你利用這一機會,增加錄取成功率。



Customer testimonials
"I will highly recommend TES to my friends. They help me a lot on my master programme application, including application document, interview preparation, and visa application. Most importantly, they provide instant reply on my enquiries."
S. Lau
"Highly recommend Thoss education services if you are planning to study in Germany. They provide personal education scheme that enhance your opportunity getting in Germany university."
S. Wong
"I strongly recommend Thoss Education. The advisor, Ms. Alby Wong, helped me a lot in shortlisting the Germany universities, preparing my profile and applying universities. She explained step-by-step what documents would be needed and what we should do in order to get the admission. I finally can get a place in my target university. Thank you Alby."
G. Cheung
"I highly recommend Thoss education services. This was extremely beneficial during my job search. I was linked up with a personal advisor who assisted me with resume writing, networking, and interview training. The advisor had decades worth of experience as a senior executive in a well know corporation. One of the most valuable service was the multiple one on one mock interviews, providing me with confidence and insight. The entire experience was professional yet personal - constantly going above and beyond my expectations."
J. Wu
"Professional and excellent service."
G. Chau
Success stories
M. C. Wong
Master in Business & Engineering at the Hochschule Hof
H. T. Sun
Master in Social Science at the Academy for Cultural Diplomacy
S. Lau
Master in Business at the Hochschule Furtwangen University
G. Lee
Master in international media cultural work at the Hochschule Darmstadt
Y. W. Luk
Master in Business & Informatics at the FAchhochschule Südwestfalen
Y. L. Chiu
Bachelor in business law at the Hochschule Mainz
S. Chu
Bachelor in musicology at the Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt
G. Cheung
Bachelor in business & informatics at the TU München
D. Chiu
Bachelor in business administration at the Kühne Logistics University
Contact us and be successful with a degree from a renowned German university. We provide you with the help you need!
Contact us

Now is the time to plan your future!

And we assist you along the whole way

Alby W. S. Wong

Your study consultant