德國青少年德語學校 Humboldt Institut 及 高中升學服務

Thoss Education Service 了解複雜的德國教學體系,跟據多年配對德國中學的經驗,我們明白家長及學生對掌握新外語的憂慮,亦明白家長擔心及後的升學安排。因此 Thoss Education Service 花了數年的時間在德國建立穩定可靠的學校網絡,為未成年學習者找到專業且有組織的語言學校。

在2019年,我們榮幸能與新合作夥伴 Humboldt Institut 提供一條龍的德語學習及升中服務。我們的青少年學生可以投過專業及有規劃的方式學習德語,並在適當監護和安全環境下體驗德國生活。若被成功取錄,我們的學生除了在1年內德語可達到德國中學要求的B2級水平,更可以在此之前獲得入讀德國高中的有條件取錄信,確保學生完成德語訓練後在高中佔有一席。


德文初學者需要 8 至 9 個月的密集德語課程,星期 1 至 5 每周30堂德語課,直至達到 B2 或 C1德語水平。學生於開學前將安排10星期的中學銜接課程,令學生更容易投入正式的高中學習。​

德語課程於11月開學, 至翌年7月, 完畢後直接上高中,期間並無暑假。這安排消除暑假的德文中空期,令學生在短期內德語基礎更鞏固。家長無需擔心學生欠缺課外活動,學生就讀德語課程期間, 不用上課的時候都安排課外活動。


申請者(非歐盟護照)必須完成中2 或 8年級, 有高於普通水平的學業成績 (平均 75% 以上)。 申請人還必須有足夠的英語知識, 少數情況下也可能需要法語,拉丁語或西班牙語。

Schule Schloss Stein
Every human being is unique. If you encourage young people’s talents, they grow to be self-confident personalities. The feeling of security plays an essential role. True family tradition is lived. This gives the school a personal atmosphere of security and well-being. 
Schloss Neubeuern
Schloss Neubeuern prepares children for the worlds of today and tomorrow, identifying their talents and fulfilling their needs and potential as individuals, but not at the expense of the rights of others. Home and school work together to encourage growth not only in knowledge and skills but in integrity, determination, confidence, independence and consideration for others. School uniform is obligatory.
Max-Rill-Gymnaisum Schloss Reichersbeuern
The Max-Rill-Gymnasium was founded in 1938 as a private boarding school. It is situated in a historic castle located south of Munich and—with around 140 pupils— it is one of the smallest state-approved grammar schools and boarding schools in Bavaria that can point to a long tradition. Given the manageable size of our school, our teachers know their students very well and can take care of them and accompany them on an individual basis during the learning process. Our college has got a special profile in social sciences, theatre, and digitally-based learning. We admit a limited number of international students and successfully integrate them into our classes. Important for an open-minded and intercultural learning is our partnership with a college in Moscow/Russia.
Landheim Schondorf
In a quiet location on Lake Ammersee leading students on an individual path to the Bavarian Abitur. Small classes and motivating learning concepts are the basis of an excellent school education. The orientation towards linguistics and economics is a daily practice due to its internationality. Numerous workshops promote personal talents. The school imparts a responsible attitude: that of the “Landheim-Entrepreneur”. What is the most important a boarding school can give its students for their way through life? Landheim Ammersee believes: An attitude. Inner peace. And optimism. Children become young personalities with a strong sense of community, empathy and resource-mindedness. They will experience inner peace and assume responsibility and learn to make decisions: For themselves and their environment, for organizing and planning, for the environment and economic efficiency, for companies and enterprises. A model of tomorrow.
Institut Schloss Brannenburg
The relatively small size of the boarding school allows each student to be supported individually and to achieve good performance. Thanks to the two separate schools (Realschule und Fachoberschule) on one campus our students have the chance to stay in their familiar surroundings until they complete University of Applied Sciences entrance qualification.
Gymnasium Lindenberg
The Gymnasium Lindenberg combines a social integrative basis with a blend of direct instruction and group work approaches. The school program aims at tolerance, responsibitity, a realistic self-assessment and mutual respect. Senior students regularly support younger students in academic and social activities. The family environment and international atmosphere of the Humboldt boarding home supports and encourages students to integrate quickly into German everyday life. Social contacts inside and outside the boarding home are established and students are supported academically and socially throughout their school career.

Thoss Education Service 服務費:€ 175歐元


Humboldt Institut 語言學校學費:(無德語基礎學生)約€33,000歐元 ,包括37週的語言課程及中學涵接課程,住宿,全膳,學校監護權, 學習教材,24小時看護,課外活動,每週短途旅行,Humboldt Institut 課程證書。 除了零用錢,往返語言學校交通費或投考國制證書,沒有其他費用。


中學學費:公立學校每年費用由 €7,000歐元 起至 €24,000歐元; 私立學校年度費用由 € 28,000歐元 起至 € 48,000歐元。

預約 Thoss Education Service 進行免費諮詢
簽訂協議服務合同並支付手續費用 €175 歐元
從指定學校網絡選擇3 至 5所學校 或 向Thoss Education Service 要求推薦
Thoss Education Service 集合申請文件並向學校及Humboldt Institut 提交申請
約成功申請, 學校及語言學校將同意有條件錄取
Thoss Education Service 提供申請學生Visa 的協助
About the Humboldt-Institut

Humboldt-Institut 是教授德語的非營利組織。從40年前於Ratzenried 城堡設立的第1所教育中心開始,現已發展到德國和奧地利共18所教育中心,由創學至今逾70,000學生。

在德國學習多於2個月的青少年學生,學習地點將固定在Bad Schussenried,該中心特別為18歲以下的學生以設。Bad Schussenried 靠近著名的博登湖和阿爾卑斯山風景如畫的旅遊區, 學生將有無數次參加戶外活動的機會,使他們在學習和娛樂之間取得平衡。

Humboldt-Institut 的教學優勢在於他們的教學安排及給予每個學生的支持:

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Now is the time to plan your future!

And we assist you along the whole way

Alby W. S. Wong

Your study consultant